The source of energy for Lifestyle Architecture was an enthusiasm for “Practical Leadership” that would add tangible value and impact when the models we had created were applied with Action, Focus and Discipline.

Let me tell you about two highly significant events which really were the spark for Lifestyle Architecture – firstly a week-long engagement in 1992 with a legend of development a gentlemen called Jim Rohn, this was followed in 1993 by an even more important first brush with the mystery and what is now known as a quantum moment with a gentleman and icon, Andrew Carnegie.

More about these two significant moments when we meet or speak...

Over the last 25 years we have gone from "running through adversity" to get the business going to, scaling and growing a small global consultancy and licence opportunity.

I love sharing our unique story if you would like to hear more about the story give us a call, we would love to hear your story and share more about ours…


Our clients and partners

We have created and discovered successful, practical leadership & development systems for individuals, small businesses and corporate clients such as:-